Friday, December 12, 2008

Voice Of The Angels

Soldiers' Angels are truly angels. I knew nothing about them until I got to Afghanistan, and many of the guys registered with them and began receiving care packages. They do a lot more than care packages, though. There are a group of them in Landstuhl, Germany, the first stop on the way home for severely wounded warriors like the ones The Onion made sport of.

Today they posted this video from MSNBC, which makes a pretty good video response to The Onion's ill-conceived skit. Our team worked briefly with one of the ODA's from 3rd Group in the Tag Ab. This is a different ODA, but we had a really good experience with 3rd Group.

Please go and visit Soldiers' Angels and Soldiers' Angels Germany and become familiar with what these angels do. Read their post on this matter.

I would like to point out that seeing what they see as they serve their country in this way is very brave, too. Working with the severely wounded, especially when it's not your paying job, is very brave. What they see is heartbreaking, but they keep doing it. They exemplify what is good and right with our nation.

Every time a bell rings...


  1. Thank you so much for your kind words. But we're not the brave ones. You guys are.

  2. Thank you, for all of us. It's good to know that there are angels who will be there if the worst happens to any of us.

    Still, sometimes it's harder to witness the suffering of others. There is tremendous bravery in braving the hurts of others when it would be so easy to be insulated from it. Some of my worst pain in Afghanistan was witnessing the children there. The suffering that you willingly subject yourselves to is beyond most human comprehension, and yet you persevere.

    I call that bravery.


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